Saturday, April 4, 2009

Safety Considerations of Arthritis Alternative Medicine

Arthritis is a disease that can easily cripple you and it is in fact also a major health concern that often leads to serious discomforts and in addition causes pain for which suitable treatments are required. Rather than trust conventional medicines it is perhaps time to also consider using arthritis alternative medicine as the results achieved from alternative medicines are comparable to Western medicines and the methods are also safe to use. Though most people in the US are conversant about Western medical practices not too many are aware of arthritis alternative medicine treatment plans and so will rush to buy medications to get relief from their arthritic condition.

Arthritis is a very common type of physical ailment that generally troubles people after they have passed their sixty-fifth birthdays. It is a condition that causes much pain and there is also loss of functionality and treatments generally revolve around alleviating the pain and bringing functionality back to the affected limbs.

Acupressure is however an alternative that can and should be tried out to treat arthritis. In fact, if you also looked at some different arthritis alternative medicines you would be surprised at how effective these medicines can be. The basis of Chinese medicine vis-à-vis treating arthritis is different than the Western medical approach because this arthritis alternative medicine method (Chinese) treats the cause of the arthritis whereas the Western medicines will try and overpower the symptoms without worrying too much about what caused the problem to develop in the first place.

Given that arthritis alternative medicine can provide very acceptable results many doctors in the West are now suggesting that their patients also try out some of the different arthritis alternative medicines that are available in the US and in other countries as well. They might in fact also qualify use of arthritis alternative medicine by suggesting that these medicines should form part of the overall treatment of arthritis rather than is the sole treatment option.

In fact, arthritis alternative medicines have been able to achieve notable reduction in pain felt by the arthritic patient and there is also noticeable improvement in how well their joints are able to regain lost movement. Even in the case of rheumatoid arthritis alternative medicine there are several worthwhile options that patients can try out. Juniper in particular lends it well for treating rheumatoid arthritis and it has a long history of treating patients which dates back to the seventeenth century when Dutch physicians concocted medicinal alcohol filled extracts from the berry which later was to lead to the creation of the popular alcoholic drink we know as gin.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good post. This post gives truly quality information. I’m definitely going to look into it. Really very useful tips are provided here. Thank you so much. Keep up the good works acupuncture
